Social Web Cafe TV  Episode #2.7

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Social Web Cafe Podcast

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Charles T. Harper,

Charles T. Harper is a radio talk show host, author, and marketing innovator. He is very active in inspiring and teaching entrepreneurs how to market themselves and their services without sounding too much like a sales machine. Listen as he shares ideas that will help to market you. Also, tune in, weekly, here at SocialWebCafe.TV/live at 4:30 pm EST / 1:30 PST to listen to the weekly marketing show, Marketing Momentum with Charles and Deborah. Visit Charles’ site at Check out books by Charles T. Harper on Amazon, including Independent Business Marketing Bible (affiliate link).

About the author: Deborah is an experienced (and talented) videographer recommended by the legendary Corey Rudl and other industry pioneering greats. Come experience it for yourself and also, download the “Boost Your Energy” ebook (absolutely free!).

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